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Trinity offers a wide variety of ministries, places to serve and opportunities to give of your time, talent       and resources. These are the current ministries, but the list and involvement is always growing! If you have questions or concerns, please speak with Pastor Rick, Lisa Stieve or any member of Church Council.
Youth Ministry



Trinity has an active youth ministry that meets every Sunday at 10 AM, starting in the sanctuary and then moving to the education wing of the church. All ages are welcome. Currently, Trinity has about 50 children connected to the church.


The weekly schedule generally includes the following age appropriate activities: Scripture reading, Bible stories with discussion, craft and art project to go along with lesson, snack drawer and creative play time, and a closing circle of prayer. 


Additionally, Pastor Rick conducts confirmation classes during the school year for middle school age children.


And all youth participate in the Fleece Blanket Ministry when the need to provide a blanket of love arises. Trinity kids have made, blessed and given away over 300 blankets to people who need a boost!


For more information please contact the office  at


The Youth Ministry staff and volunteers look forward to seeing your children grow their faith, learn new skills, meet new friends, smile, laugh, and help establish a lifetime passion for God and for helping others.

Hamburgers in Grill
Men's Group Ministry


Men's Ministry at Trinity is committed to helping each other grow our faith and serve the needs of our church family and community. 


During the year we plan and organize two fund raisers; a Pasty Lunch in Feb and a Grilled Fish Dinner in July. With funds raised we support various social agencies as well as come alongside Trinity to help meet unexpected needs.


Additionally, we come together and help others needing assistance with yard work and light home maintenance. We sponsor a Mother's Day and Easter Brunch after Sunday Services and you'll find the men serving in many other ways. We also strive to provide opportunities to gather and enjoy fellowship with other Christian men outside of the church. 

Trinity's men also sponsor times of recognition for men in our community.


Men's Ministry meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the church. We begin at 7pm with a devotion and prayer. With our hearts prepared, we then get down to planning for upcoming events. Our hearts desire is to be servants and light into the world. To be better men, fathers and husbands.  Your input and help is valued. We hope to see you at our next meeting! (Contact Charlie Gregory at for more info, or if you have questions)


"As iron sharpens iron, so one man       sharpens another." 

Proverbs 27:17

Trinity Women of the ELCA


The mission of WELCA is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Every woman who is a member of an ELCA church is also a member of WELCA (Women of the ELCA).


We are a churchwide organization with headquarters in Chicago and are a part of the Northwest Lower Michigan Synod, with women serving on a Synod wide board. 


The women of Trinity have traditionally organized a Scandinavian Bazaar and Luncheon every fall to fund various ministries and activities. These funds are then distributed among more than a dozen organizations locally and worldwide. Additionally, some of the activities that Trinity Women have organized and supported over the past few years include... Miriam Bible Study, Dorcas sewing/quilting, Human Trafficking Forum, Spring Gathering, Funeral Luncheons, Bold Women's Sunday, Monday Morning Prayer, ACTION fo LSSM, Fall Retreat, Christmas Potluck and Lutheran World Relief. 


Your willingness to get involved and volunteer your talents and time as an officer for Trinity WELCA is vital to keeping alive these activities. 

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