Each Sunday, Worship is at 10:00 am
Our Youth service is held each week, with a special message and "Kid's Time" (art projects, crafts, learning), followed by treats!
Serving & Learning at Trinity
Trinity offers a variety of opportunities to deepen your faith, understanding and knowledge - from Bible and book studies, to caring for the Garden of Remembrance, to a focused look at the readings for the coming Sunday, to women's studies, to stories and plays and chances to serve with our youngest kids, to Confirmation classes for the older youth. Some studies and groups have been gathering for many years, and some pop up for a shorter period of time, looking at a particular book or theme. Feel free to come and check them out!

Friday Bible Study
Perhaps the longest running study at Trinity is the 7am Friday Bible Study.
The focus of this gathering is the lessons that will be shared for the upcoming Sunday worship services. Normally, the crew gathers around a pot (or two) of coffee brewed at the church, shares their take on the latest news, illness and losses in the church, or exciting changes in people's lives - and then we focus in on the readings. This group looks at both the biblical context and history, but also the theological implications of the readings on our daily lives.
It's a good way to prepare for Sunday worship too!
Attendance is normally around 5-7 people (perhaps reflecting the early morning hour!)​
Miriam Bible Study (women)
Miriam is a women's bible study that has been meeting monthly for the past twenty-eight years. The study is taken from the ELCA's women's Gather magazine. Miriam meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm in the Johnson Community Hall at the church (currently meeting in the church Library due to pandemic concerns). It is a time of thoughtful study, prayer, shared conversation and delightful treats.
In addition to thoughtful study and prayer, Miriam also provides inspiration and leadership opportunities. Those who have participated consistently share their amazement at the boldness of women, the compassion underlying their comments, and the practical ways women share the Word of God.
All are welcome!

Garden of Remembrance
Behind Trinity is a beautiful garden with a winding brick walkway, perfect for a stroll or time of quiet reflection and prayer. There is also a section dedicated to those who wish to have their ashes buried on church grounds as well as a section to remember those who have served in the military, or former pastors who have served at Trinity.
The Garden is maintained by volunteers from the church. If you would like to become involved and help maintain the gardens, select new plantings, and plan for future additions please contact Greta Zwinck at (871- 0663). The Garden of Remembrance Committee normally meets periodically as needed.
Weather permitting, volunteer's work in the garden is on the first Saturday of the month May through September. The committee and volunteers also tour local gardens and take time to fellowship at dinners a couple of times each year.
Others to contact if you have questions are:
Marla Dykstra (882-7249) or Rich Scott (889-4133)
You can also make arrangements through Pastor Rick (944-8499)
or by calling the Church Office (352-7521).
Trinity Youth
Trinity has an active youth ministry that meets every Sunday at 11:00 AM, starting the sanctuary and then moving to the education wing of the church. All ages are welcome.
The weekly schedule generally includes the following age appropriate activities: Scripture reading or Bible stories with discussion, amazing arts-and-crafts project to go along with lesson, a snack drawer for treats, creative play time, and circle of prayer to close the hour.
Additionally, Pastor Rick conducts confirmation classes for middle school age children (Confirmation classes) and all youth participate in the Fleece Blanket Ministry when the need to provide a blanket of love arises. Trinity kids have provided over 300 blankets to people who have a life-changing moment (illness, diagnosis, graduation, lost a job, etc).
Please check back with Trinity for monthly updates on youth events and activities.
For more information please contact our office at secretaryruth@chartermi.net, or speak with Pastor Rick or Lisa Stieve anytime.
The Youth Ministry staff and volunteers look forward to seeing your children grow their faith, learn new skills, meet new friends, smile, laugh, and help establish a lifetime passion for God and for helping others.

Monday Morning Prayer Group
Trinity has a dedicated group of people who gather each Monday morning for prayer. They have met for a few years now, and lately have needed to employ ZOOM for some of their meetings. Anyone is free to give requests for prayer.
This group prays for people who are ill, recently diagnosed, undergoing treatments for cancer and other ailments, injured, jailed or imprisoned, grieving the loss of a loved one, home-bound or in a nursing facility, children with health concerns, special needs people, military and First Responders connected to Trinity, and our visitors & guests.
Currently, the Prayer Group prays for 206 people by name each week.